When I decided to participate in Chris Brogan’s three-word challenge last December, I had no idea of the impact it would have on my life. I chose my three words, CONNECT, TRAIN, ENJOY, as areas of my life that I felt needed some improvement, but underestimated the power of focus that I’ve rarely experienced with other kinds of goal-setting.

The idea of choosing three words is that while resolutions are usually forgotten by the end of January, your three words become the lens through which you view your activities and focus throughout the whole year. For me, it has been like a touchstone that keeps me grounded as I plan and schedule and make decisions.

For instance, I have been very intentional about connecting with people with similar interests and activities, and in addition to new connections through my work and church, I am now part of several online communities which provide great support and encouragement in not just leadership and writing, but in spiritual matters as well.

With a focus on training to improve my writing skills, I am participating in Chris Brogan’s Blog Topics Master Class, which has stretched and challenged me for several months, and helped me expand my skills and comfort zone. Plus, the benefits of this learning will continue as classmates and I pursue some ongoing projects.

Learning to enjoy has been my biggest challenge of the three words. I’m not sure what I envisioned when I chose the word – certainly not long vacations or pricey excursions.

What I have discovered is that I’m more aware of what brings me joy and I seek opportunities to experience it. My time spent writing and running each morning, curling up with a good book with one of my cats in my lap, or a conversation with family or a friend. These are joyful times within the grind of the every day, and I’m much more in tune so I can take advantage of those moments.

As I consider my three words for 2013, I have been much more cognizant of the power of this kind of focus. In looking back at my success for 2012, I am amazed at the power of three little words. It is very important to choose the right ones.

What will your three words be for 2013?

What have you done lately that helped you grow? Have you challenged yourself to do something outside your usual skill level?

I always admired people who were fearless, and constantly dared to try new things to follow their dreams. I wonder how many opportunities I’ve missed because I have been timid, reserved and stayed within my comfortable boundaries.

But that is changing now. Lately, I have been intentional about doing things that might be scary at first, but that help me improve, both physically and mentally. And may I say, the payoff has been incredible?

I have added longer runs that push my physical limits but are so exhilarating. In the process, I have lost weight and feel better about myself.

By commenting more on other blogs, I have discovered an online community that teaches new leadership and life skills every day.

Starting this blog was a giant step that has helped me rediscover my dream of writing.

In pursuing that dream, the most crucial step I’ve taken is to sign up for the Blog Topics Master Class with Chris Brogan. After only a few weeks, I’m learning about creating good habits and disciplines for writing, finding my voice, writing better headlines, and being more deliberate in choosing my topics.

Through a private Facebook group, those of us taking the class encourage each other and give feedback. That community of students adds another level of learning in addition to the material from Chris. The exercises, advice and community are invaluable!

Honestly, I never thought I’d be doing homework again, and getting so much out of it. And like with the running, I have gained more confidence and feel better about myself.

Photo credit: Adrian Jones, dreamstime.com

Have you seen the short film The Butterfly Circus?

Click here for a teaser. In this film, we learn that you are what you believe yourself to be, and changing your attitude about yourself can help you realize your true potential.

That really reinforces what I’ve been doing lately in Jeff Goins’ 15 Habits Challenge and Chris Brogan’s Blog Topics Master Class.

I am what I believe myself to be. I am a writer. That turns my thinking around, and helps the words flow out of me.

What other things in life could be made better by positive thinking and a better attitude? How many people feel like losers because they think that, and no one has ever said or done anything to help them choose a different viewpoint?

What would the world look like if we focused on helping others rise out of the ashes they are currently in? What if instead of judging them for being the caterpillar, we helped them through the struggles in order to grow their wings as a butterfly?

What can you say to someone today to move them toward believing in themselves?

How do you improve?

First, it takes a commitment to improve. A decision that you want to get better and are willing to invest the time and energy necessary for the process.

For instance, if you want to become a stronger athlete, you have to train for hours on a regular schedule, adopt a healthy diet, get the right amount of rest.

A musician must practice extensively to become better, spend time doing scales and basic chords before he can begin to create melodies of his own.

And a writer? Stephen King tells us in his book On Writing, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

He goes on to say, “If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

So I’m reading like crazy – books on the mechanics of writing, fiction, nonfiction – you name it, I’m reading it. And I’m writing every morning – getting up early to allow at least 30-45 minutes of writing time.

One other thing I am doing to become better is to learn from a great writer. I have signed up for a 16-week course called Blog Topics: Master Class with Chris Brogan, which will take my writing skills soaring to new levels. Chris is a New York Times bestselling author and one of the top 5 bloggers in the Advertising Age Power 150.

Weekly lessons, practice exercises, video instruction and interviews with writing experts enrich the learning. There’s even homework that you are held accountable for, so you get hands on experience with the techniques and ideas you are studying.

Plus, Chris is available by email to answer questions and give critiques. How can you not become a better writer?

So that’s what I’m doing to improve – who wants to join me?