February 2012

I have a confession to make. Actually two confessions.

I have never considered myself a runner, but in the last 6 months, I’ve been running more often, and more miles, and even having days where I don’t want to stop. And I look forward to running every morning. I think that means I’m becoming a runner.

I also have never considered myself a writer, but as I write documents for work, blogs for work, and this blog, I’m realizing how enjoyable and therapeutic it can be. Guess you know what that means…

But neither of these goals has come quickly. In fact, both are the result of a series of small steps. Baby steps.

It’s not always the giant leaps that get you ahead, but just small, steady forward motion.

Which gets me thinking about what other goals I should be moving forward. Instead of being bogged down with the latest and loudest and ignoring other things, what small next action could I take to make progress on other things?

I think that will be my focus this week – baby steps. Rather than be head down in the most urgent project or task, I will look for opportunities to move ahead on other stalled projects and goals.

What projects or goals could you move ahead with baby steps?

When I decided to start blogging at the first of the year, I thought this would be a great way to hold myself accountable for my three words, CONNECT, TRAIN, ENJOY, and chronicle my progress through the year. Simple, right?

What I’ve discovered instead, is that this blog is more important than that. Writing has helped me work through some challenges, and keeps me focused in the right direction. It’s very easy to sink into negativity and frustration when things get tough. I feel like I’ve been hanging on by my fingernails lately, and having to force myself to “look at the bright side” instead of falling into a hole.

Amazingly, writing this blog has helped me ask more right questions – instead of “why is this happening to me?” I’m asking “how can I make this situation better?”

I have been reading the book QBQ: The Question Behind the Question by John G. Miller, which has definitely spurred better questions and more personal accountability. I highly recommend this book because it helps diminish the tendency to be defensive and blaming, and promotes a higher sense of teamwork and productivity.

Talking to a dear friend today also boosted my self-confidence, and helped cheer me up. Some friends just know what you need when, right? Love those relationships – that’s when the CONNECT comes into play.

I have had no problem with TRAIN – running every day and adding to my workouts – and working on training for work.

What I struggle with the most is ENJOY. Of my three words, that is the hardest for me to accomplish. But you know what? This week I will work hard so that I “won’t give in” to the negativity, and will do what I can to make my situation better. My goal this week is to seek some ways to ENJOY.

What are you focused on to improve your situation?