Photo courtesy of Elsa Blaine (Creative Commons)

Listening to a rumbling thunderstorm this morning, I realize how little we control in life. This thought comes as I sit here missing the beauty and wonder of the storm, and instead am stressing over the fact that the rain might interfere with my run today.

I can be so dense that I have to hear a message on multiple fronts to get it, but what I’ve been hearing and reading in devotions, blogs, conversations, and sermons, is that I need to realize that God is God and I am not.

God is in control and has a plan. I need to quit thinking that I can do anything by myself, and lean on Him for my strength and guidance.

But that is so hard to do! And there are so many ways I defy His desire to lead me.

I am a planner, so I tend to plan my day and then get upset when things happen to derail me – but what God appointments am I missing?

I let myself get overwhelmed by busyness, and then end up hurrying through things I should be taking more time to read carefully or pay attention to. What messages am I not receiving?

I become so focused on my next task, that I often am not aware of those around me and don’t even see people passing me. What child of God am I overlooking?

So as I sit here knowing I don’t have it all figured out, I pray that God will quiet the voices in my head other than His, calm the urges to do it all myself, and ease my extreme distraction by all the “stuff to do.”

I want to walk with my Lord today and follow His lead. And accept that I can do nothing without Him.

How will you walk with God today?